Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Digestive Problems - Natural Solutions

There are a wide variety of possible problems that one can have with the digestive system. They may include a number of organs. Here we are discussing a basic sluggishness, weakness or inability to digest and / or assimilate our food nutrients. Symptoms might be bloating, flatulence, frequent burping, discomfort after eating, pain in the abdominal area. Ulcers and gastritis will require more specific instructions.


1. Hereditary weaknesses in the digestive organs. This does not mean that you are doomed to suffer. You can learn how to live wisely and not suffer at all from such a problem.
2. Poor dietary habits which have weakened our digestive system.
3. Nutritional deficiencies.
4. Blockages in the spinal nerves, which regulate the functioning of the digestive organs.
5. A lack of digestive enzymes and / or friendly bacteria in the intestines.
6. Emotional tension, which is affects these organs.


1. Eat properly and at regular times of the day, so that your digestive system can prepare itself.

a. Do not eat between meals.
b. Eat only when hungry.
c. Do not eat again until the previous meal has been digested.

2. Do not drink liquids with the meal. They dilute the digestive juices.

3. Follow the guidelines for proper food combining, especially concerning not eating sweet fruit with or after the meal.

4. If you have serious problems, then eat only one food at each meal for a period of time.

5. Do not eat food cold from the refrigerator.

6. Chew slowly making your food a liquid in your mouth before swallowing.

7. Garlic and lemon aid in the digestion of vegetables and proteins. (Watch out if you have an active ulcer).

8. Occasionally fast or eat only one food (apples, peas, watermelon, grapes, brown rice) for a few days. This will help your digestive system to rest and detoxify and revitalize itself.

9. Drink hot or warm water between meals (at least 3 hours after the meal and 15 minutes before).

10. Herb teas often help: mint, chamomile, anise, garlic.

11. Make sure that you have one or more bowel movements everyday.

12. Engage in some light activity after eating before lying down to rest.

13. Get plenty of daily exercise and take walks in nature if at all possible.

14. Never eat when emotionally upset. Do some breathing or relaxation first and then eat.

15. Learn to massage your own abdomen with shiatsu or "ambuko" massage. (Be sure that you do not have appendicitis)

16. Massage the soles of your feet where there are the reflex points for the various digestive organs. You can use a foot roller or round bottle to roll the bottom of your foot on in order to stimulate these points.

17. Spiritual Healing is especially beneficial. Place your hands on your abdominal area and send light, love and healing energy through your hands to your organs and yourself.

18. Harmonize your emotional life by changing beliefs and attitudes through reading, self-analysis, meditation, prayer and group work.

19. If your liver or gall bladder is sluggish you can use a castor oil pack to stimulate your liver, gall bladder, stomach and small intestines. (This method is described by Edgar Cayce in various books.)

20. Consult a yoga teacher for specific exercises, which relax, tonify and rejuvenate the organs of digestion, assimilation and excretion.

21. Do deep relaxation daily and contact the peace in the center of your being.

22. Perform EFT for these problems and he emotions that might be contributing to them.

When we care for our body, it serves us more joyfully.

For more about creating natural health go here

Robert Elias Najemy, a life coach with 30 years of experience, is the author of over 20 books, 600 articles and 400 lectures on Human Harmony. Download wonderful ebooks, 100's of free articles, courses, and mp3 audio lectures at Find 8 of his books at Blog94507
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